Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I am Pro-Life

"I realized that the real way to reduce abortion rates, then, was to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies. And the way to do that is with birth control, which reduces the number of unwanted pregnancies by allowing women to control when and if they become pregnant."

This is from an article called "How I Lost Faith in the Pro Life Movement". I agree that birth control to a certain extent stops unwanted pregnancy. As someone who has engaged in premarital sex, I will say this next comment is the truth from the bottom of my heart.

The way to stop unwanted pregnancies is to stop having premarital sex. Sex does NOT equal love, and not only are you risking a baby which you can then chose to let live or kill (if your birth control fails), you are risking your health -  physically (via STDS), emotionally (the scars from past lovers cut deep), and spiritually (Proverbs 6:32 - He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself.).

I would give *anything* for my husband to be the only man I ever gave myself to. I believe that sex outside of the context of marriage as fulfilling and something worth pursuing is the lie of the Devil. Yes, I went there.

As for the remainder of the article... the author of this article states "I no longer believe that abortion is murder because I no longer hold that a zygote, embryo, or fetus is a “person.”" As a mother who lost two children in my first trimester, one at 6 weeks and one at 3 weeks. I never saw my children. My body absorbed the tissue. But please explain to me the void in my heart at the lack of life within me, explain why I woke up screaming at night for my babies if they weren't people. Please explain my broken heart, and the box that holds mementos from my lost pregnancies, because I don't have a tombstone to commemorate my children's brief but treasured lives?

I have had sex outside of marriage. I have taken Plan-B. I am a sinner saved by Grace. I am a Christian. I am a mother of 3, and maybe more because my body cannot carry babies without extra vitamins and nutrients to stabilize the humans in me, and only 1 so far is still with me, and he is unborn. He is my son. That is why I am pro-Life.

-Lydia Joy-

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